Praying for Ansley

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Hump day news

Well, today brought a little bit of news, one shot, some stress at work, and one funny Matthew story.

The little bit of news. The adoption agency got word about a few things. 1. Choosing 'girl' has turned out to be no big deal, with no roadblocks at this junture. (This is what I believed in my heart all along, that it would be no big deal.) 2. The first email update said I would even need to do more paperwork for a girl, but until one is identified for me, they weren't going to tell me what. Upon further questioning, it turns out they actually are not going to require any further paperwork. 3. My paperwork will remain in the region in which it has already been sent. This 'change' hasn't changed that at all. So, unless something changes in the future, Petropavlovsk, here I come! I always said I would be going to the coldest region during the coldest part of the year. For those of you who know me, this is God's idea of a practical joke. 4. The timeline is looking like Jan./Feb. at this point, but as we know, that is a moving target! (IN two days last week, it was Dec., then it was Jan./Feb., then it was end of Nov.... ) So, I take it as a loose guideline at this point. I'm ready if they call tomorrow. I'm also ready to wait!! Whatever! I am so glad that the 'threats' or should i say warnings about choosing girl over boy/either regaring delays, extra paperwork, possible dealings with people acting 'Eastern European' etc, have fallen apart, at least so far!! yeah!! Let's keep up with this trend, and let's shorten the time line a little. I'll be ready to leave Dec. 26th. :)

I went for part two of my Hepatitis B shot today. It hurt only slightly. The real pain was paying for the shot. That seems like cruel and unusual punishment. I have to PAY to be pricked with a needle and inserted with a disease, and then I have to fork over money! Doesn't seem right to me. :)

Stress at work - what else need I say?

Matthew's story. One of his teachers relayed this via email to me today. Last Friday, before a 4 day weekend for Matthew, she assigned an assignment that was partially due today (after the long weekend) and the rest due this Friday. Matthew does not like homework. He really doesn't like weekend homework. So when she assigned it, she said, Matthew was not very happy about his Friday assignment. In fact, she went on to say that he gave her a BILL for $11,000 for her to pay in order for him to do it. (**Oh yes he did!) She told him that he could bill her, but that she couldn't pay it. She said he would get paid in the future when his schooling paid off and he gets his first paycheck at his first job. She ended by saying that Matthew is a character. A character indeed!

I guess him billing her for the homework is like my thought about trying to be PAID to get a shot. I guess like mother, like son.


Jennifer said...

Petro?!?! Yay!!! How WONDERFUL!! That's where we were. I can tell you that Petro has one of the best baby houses in the whole country. I never ONCE saw any of the infants that were malnourished or under developed (including the serious special needs kids- no baby was ignored). Even the little preemies were chunkin' out at 12 lbs at 6 months. Really. It may be cold, but it's a GREAT city, with fabulous people, great food, and very well run (phenominal even) baby house with very well taken care of children.

Oh, I'm so excited for you!! Once you get your LOI, you should join the PVPK yahoo group. It's for parents of kids from Petropavlovsk. It's got a lot of great information in there.

lynn said...

Kristen I'm so happy for you that things are coming along well with the adoption!
